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Photo taken by our daughter of the fall Goldenrod - Solidago spp.


Thank you so much for visiting us.  I am Darcie and together with my husband Joey, we are the owners of Capernaum Herbals.  I am a studying Master Herbalist & Biofeedback Practitioner who works with alternative healing to help the body as a whole and Joey has a passion for herbs.  By day, both of us are Accountants, however, Herbalism is our true passion.  We are amazed every day by the incredible help and healing, "secrets" you could say, that God has provided to us through herbs.  We have 3 children and live in Minnesota.  We want to share with you some products and services that we have found very useful in our ongoing health journey.   We strive to help others take charge of their health with natural products.  The products we design were made for our families needs and are what we use in our home.    We use all ethically sourced and high quality herbs and resins in all of our formulas.  All items are homemade.  We are excited to be able to share these with you.  

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Capernaum Herbal Garden Tour - 2023

Our Story

Joey and I chose the name "Capernaum Herbals"" because we always want to remain focused on WHO provides these amazing herbs to us, God.  We chose the name Capernaum to honor the great miracles of healing that Jesus performed while living in this city, according to the Gospel of Mark.  


My love of herbs has been developing over the last 20 years. I have struggled a lot of my life with many health related issues some include thyroid, heart, skin and reproductive issues.  I have seen so many doctors over the years for various things and one thing I always found is that when a medication was prescribed,  I seemed to always get a lot of side effects.  Over the years I have learned that my body is very sensitive to medications and started looking at alternative means to help with issues that I was having and overall just improve mine and my families health.  It is important for me to feel like I can take care of my family without having to rely on anyone else.   This is where God led me to explore herbs.     I want to help people that may not have thought to look at herbs to discover the power that God provided to each and every one of us to use and enjoy to help better our lives.  


A while ago, during a lecture, I heard herbs explained in an amazing way.  Many medications are made by extracting one compound or substance from a plant.  That compound is then patented and made into medication.  That one substance/medication may cause a never ending list of side effects, however, it has been found that when the ENTIRE plant is used and not just one substance of the plant, the side effects are minimal (the plant itself can not be patented).   This is all due to God's wonderful design.  For instance, one compound in a plant may cause high blood pressure, however, within the whole plant there is another compound that lowers the blood pressure, therefore negating the side effect.  God designed many plants this way and it always amazes me the great treasures he has provided for us in nature!  And the best part is, they can NOT be patented, anyone can use them.  


Through the years I have slowly been transitioning away from commercial products and medicine to herbal products.  The thought that the skin is the largest organ of the body and absorbs everything we put on it really made me look at what my family was consuming in such a different way.  I kept discovering all the  so called "good" brands even contained all types of poisons that can do more harm than good. Incorporating herbs into your daily lifestyle can help to balance your body and increase your health.    Chewing on ginger when you have a stomach ache or drinking a cup of feverfew tea when you have a bad headache are a couple of natural ways to address everyday issues, and the amazing part is, these items can be grown in your backyard, you don't have to get them from a pharmacy.  


Most recently, I have began to a journey into incorporating Energy Medicine into my health practices.  I am a certified Biofeedback Practitioner and am constantly being amazing at what frequencies can do for our body and our stressors.  It is amazing how God made everything with a unique frequency and when that is disturbed it can cause havoc throughout our bodies.  I love to utilize frequencies to clear stress disturbances in the body.   Genius Biofeedback is an amazing tool that allows us to pinpoint areas of stress in the body and help to provide customized frequencies to best remind the body how to heal itself.  


I have a passion for plants of all kinds, when I'm not working on my outdoor gardens and growing seeds in my basement, I am upkeeping my several hydroponic garden systems so that my family can enjoy fresh vegetables throughout the winter since the growing season in zone 4b is very short.  I am currently enrolled in Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine in their Master Herbalist program.  I am a general American Herbalist Guild (AHG) member and also a member of the Christian Herbalist Guild (CHG).  I am constantly seeking out more education and learning in the field. I am also a certified Biofeedback Practitioner through the School of Energetic Medicine.   I am a licensed PWA Holistic Practitioner.   To receive any of my consulting services you will need to join the PWA as a client (no cost).   In addition to Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine,  I have taken classes at The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine, CommonWealth Holistic Herbs,  LearningHerbs, Herbal Academy Formula Botanica, and The Matthew Woods Institute of Herbalism.   Areas of study include Western Herbalism, Ayurveda,  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Medicinal Mushrooms, Nutrition, Fermentation, Formulation and Botanical Resin & Gums, Energy Medicine and Quantum Biofeedback.  I am also a member of the Women's Business Bridge through the Stillwater MN Chamber of Commerce.  Every time I am available I will attend plant walks, lectures and courses that are offered in the community and love taking classes on natural healing modalities.  Each day I strive to learn more than I knew the day before and I thank God for leading me on this journey.  



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