Would you like to be able to simply record your voice and then see hundreds of pieces of energetic information about vitamins, minerals, herbs and more revealed in seconds?
Exciting new technologies are emerging each day that use frequency and light. These are nontoxic
and non-invasive methods that can help to restore balance to the body in a gentle way. Imagine a scanner that can quickly identify blockages that are stopping you from achieving your highest goals. Then being able to tap one button and create a balancing session to clear the blocks. That technology is here now: it is the Genius Biofeedback system. The Genius Biofeedback system is an energy technologies that can provide personalized frequencies to positively impact your life in many ways!

Living in today's world often means managing stress. Here are some of the effects stress can have on the body:

High Blood Pressure
Digestive Issues
Muscle Aches
Weight Gain
Low Energy
Unfocused Thinking
Skin Disturbances
Food Sensitivities
Immune System Imbalances
Finding ways to manage stress can help to bring relief. The Genius Biofeedback system is a way to reduce stress through the use of personalized frequencies.
Biofeedback Sessions
Easy as 1-2-3 to fit into your busy life!
Purchase your subscription or individual session.
Once a session or monthly subscription is purchased, you will receive email. The email will have 2 forms, one will ask which program you would like to focus on, you can also email specific needs that you would like me to include (ie Reproductive Frequencies, etc). The second form will be a health questionnaire which will help us document your progress. You will also receive instructions on how to download the Quanta Capsul. You will then submit your 15 second voice recording & picture via the Quanta Capsule.
Frequencies Run & Sent
Your practitioner will review your program selection, analyze your voice and picture with the Genius and run your customized 30 minute session. Your customized frequencies will also be sent via the Quanta Capsule . It is recommended you listen to your frequencies for 15 minutes 2x per day for maximum benefit.
What is Genius Insight Biofeedback?
Everything and everyone has a unique frequency. Genius Insight Biofeedback is a SCALER tool that accesses your unique vibrational frequency signature via your voice in the Quantum Field. Using voice analysis it identifies energetic stress disturbances in your energy flow. The Genius Biofeedback System uses voice analysis technology originally developed at M.I.T. The voice is interpreted as frequency information. The voice
as frequency is compared to other frequencies programmed into the Genius. When there is a "match" between the 2 frequencies, that item is identified as a key frequency that can assist with restoring the body to balance.
By directing specific sound frequencies the Genius can then harmonize the stress disturbances and reactivity in your energy field and imprint new desired frequencies.
Why Should I choose Genius Biofeedback?
The sessions are relaxing. With each session, you gain new insights based on the frequencies you receive. You gain a new sense of peace and harmony along with a new awareness. There are no harmful side effects. Monthly plans are simple and budget friendly and they can be canceled at anytime. The Genius Insight process is safe, gentle and noninvasive.
How does Genius Biofeedback Work?
This program uses a sophisticated voice analyzer that was originally developed at M.I.T. This voice analyzer records your voice and converts it to information that can be interpreted in the system scan. This "voice as information" is compared to the other frequencies in the program, which are representative of things like herbs, vitamins and minerals. The goal is to find the frequencies that be most beneficial frequencies for you and that is based on the voice analysis. In many ways, this is similar to muscle testing. Once the frequencies are selected, the tones are played for you where you will receive them in the quantum field. The frequencies may also be sent to you via a Quanta Capsule (an app). If they are sent to you, you can play them as many times as you wish on your own phone or tablet.
How can the tones and frequencies make a difference?
These frequencies make a difference because of a process known as entrainment. In entrainment, you are synching up to frequencies and energies around you. When you listen to the tones and frequencies from this system, they often create a state of deeper relaxation and stress reduction. Reduction of stress factors by the frequencies of the Genius was shown to take place in a pilot study by the Center for Biofield Sciences.
A graduate of Quantum University published her dissertation on the effect of frequencies sent to client's Quanta Capsules over 7 weeks. She found that her clients reported a 59% improvement in their energy and 39% improvement in their sleep quality.
Most recently, a Genius Research Project showed that participants in an 8 week study, experienced over 50% reduction in severity of symptoms using Genius Biofeedback over an 8 week period.
What should I expect to experience?
Most of my clients report that the listening to the tones is very relaxing and provides a way for them to de-stress. Frequencies can be focused on particular goals that you may have and I have many different programs available. The effects of this system tend to be cumulative and people notice that they have the most beneficial effects by playing the frequencies daily over several weeks and months.
Do I need an appointment?
You don't need an appointment which allows biofeedback to fit easily into your busy schedule. Working in the Quantum field may be new to some, but distance healing is not new and has been around for centuries. All frequency work is done remotely, you do not need to be physically present to receive the frequencies sent to you. If you’d like to listen to your custom frequencies, they can be sent via an APP or an MP3 file. Even if you do not physically listen to the frequencies they will still reach you in the Quantum field. After each session you will also be sent a summary of the frequencies that were worked on.